Philip Cochran is a Professor of Management at the Kelley School of Business. His current research focuses on how organizations can and should respond to major crises that are often referred to as “Black Swans.” Black Swans are extremely rare events that have severe consequences. Examples include earthquakes, nuclear wars, and the COVID-19 pandemic that we are experiencing today, major supply chain disruptions such as the recent Suez Canal blockage, nuclear accidents such as the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown, major weather events such as Hurricane Katrina, major volcanic events such as the explosion of Mt. Tambora in 1815 which led to a year without a summer, major solar flares such as the Carrington Event of 1859 which happens about every 100 years. Professor Cochran will discuss how organizations, universities,
businesses, and not-for-profits can respond to these types of events . Learn More