Matthew Aalsma
School of Medicine |
Health Care Access and Utilization of Youth in Juvenile Justice |
Zachary Adams
School of Medicine |
Improving Adolescent Behavioral Health through Research and Service |
Nathan Alves
School of Medicine |
Safer Clot Lysis Through Nanoparticle Delivery of Direct Fibrinolytic Agents |
Julia Arciero
School of Science |
Using mathematical modeling to uncover the role of blood flow in glaucoma |
Amrou Awaysheh
Kelley School of Business |
Enhancing Manufacturing Sustainability Performance |
Rafael Bahamonde
School of Health & Human Sciences |
A Randomized, Prospective Study of Three MIS Surgical Approaches in TH |
Matthew Bair
School of Medicine |
Improving Pain Management in Primary Care |
Charles Bantz
School of Liberal Arts |
Understanding Organizations: Interpreting Organizational Communication Culture |
Meghan Barrett
School of Science |
Farmed Insect Welfare Research |
Partha Basu
School of Science |
Metals in Biology |
AJ Baucum
School of Medicine, School of Science |
Understanding signaling pathways that regulate striatal dysfunction associated with drug abuse, mental health disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases. |
Nicolas Berbari
School of Science |
Cilia and Obesity |
Silvia Bigatti
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health |
Your Life.Your Story: Latino Youth Summit |
Broxton Bird
School of Science |
Climate-Landscape-Society Interactions |
Annabel Biruete
School of Health & Human Sciences, School of Medicine |
Nutritional and pharmacological therapies and their effects on the gastrointestinal tract and its associated microbiome in chronic kidney disease; development of culturally-appropriate materials on lifestyle topics in Spanish for Hispanic/LatinX individuals living with chronic kidney disease |
Lea Bishop
Robert H. McKinney School of Law |
Ending Global Book Hunger |
Justin Blackburn
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health |
Economic burden associated with untreated mental illness in Indiana, 2019: a cross-sectional framework for cost analysis |
Bonnie Blazer-Yost
School of Medicine, School of Science |
Investigation of new treatments for polycystic kidney disease; Investiagtion of new treatments for hydrocephalus |
William Blomquist
School of Liberal Arts |
Water resource policy |
Janice Blum
School of Medicine |
Harnessing Human Immunity to Improve Health |
Stephen Boehm
School of Science |
Effects of developmental lead (Pb) exposure on brain and behavioral sensitivity to drugs and alcohol |
Davide Bolchini
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Enhancing Web Navigation for Aural Experiences |
Alain Bopda Waffo
School of Medicine |
RNA phage Qbeta engineered as biosensor for coronavirus diseases point-of-care |
Stephanie Boys
Robert H. McKinney School of Law, School of Social Work |
Collaboration between law and social work for experiential learning |
Richard Brandon-Friedman
School of Medicine, School of Social Work |
Families in Transition: Development of a Therapeutic Group for Gender-Diverse Youth and Their Caregivers |
Maria Brann
School of Liberal Arts |
Understanding COVID-19 Birth Stories |
Khadijah Breathett
School of Medicine |
improving delivery of equitable cardiovascular care in the U.S. |
Randy Brutkiewicz
School of Medicine |
Targets of Immune Evasion |
Sherri Bucher
School of Medicine |
Helping Babies Survive: Reducing neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality |
Dwight Burlingame
School of Liberal Arts |
Youth Philanthropy |
Dwight Burlingame
School of Liberal Arts |
Corporate Citizenship |
Jennifer Bute
School of Liberal Arts |
Understanding COVID-19 Birth Stories |
Jennifer Bute
School of Liberal Arts |
Parents’ Communication Work in the Management of Food Allergies |
Kenneth A. Carow
Kelley School of Business |
Market and Competitive Impact of Regulation on the Financial Service I |
Janet Carpenter
School of Nursing |
Management of menopausal symptoms |
Sunandan Chakraborty
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Discovery, Analysis, and Disruption of Wildlife Trafficking Networks |
Chen Chen
School of Nursing |
Mechanisms and Management of Menstrual Pain |
Philip Cochran
Kelley School of Business |
Corporate Social Responsibility |
Amber Comer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Indiana Health Care Consent Law |
Andrea Conroy
School of Medicine |
Risk stratification of African children with severe illness: biomarkers and therapeutic interventions |
Simon Conway
School of Medicine |
Understanding congenital heart defects |
Timothy Corson
School of Medicine |
Novel therapies for neovascular eye diseases |
Anthony D. Cox
Kelley School of Business |
Understanding Consumer Responses to Product Risk Information |
Edward Curtis
School of Liberal Arts |
Preventing Racial and Religious Discrimination and Violence |
H. Cusack-McVeigh
School of Liberal Arts |
RECOVERING THE PAST: A Collaborative Approach to Recovery and Repatriation. |
Melissa Cyders
School of Science |
How separable aspects of impulsivity and their neurocognitive mechanisms influence risk-taking and maladaptive behaviors |
Mary de Groot
School of Medicine |
Program ACTIVE II: Behavioral Depression Treatment for Diabetes |
Andrew Deane
School of Medicine |
The paleobiology and functional morphology of early ape and human evolution |
Veronica Derricks
School of Science |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Targeted Health Communication for Minoritized Groups |
Ankit Desai
School of Medicine |
Discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for pulmonary hypertension, cardiomyopathy and ventricular tachycardia |
Rebecca Ellis
School of Nursing |
Management of Medications and Adherence in People with Multiple Chronic Conditions |
Jennifer Embree
School of Nursing |
Nurse-to-Nurse Lateral Violence, Cognitive Rehearsal, Critical Access Hospital |
Estela Ene
School of Liberal Arts |
Internationalization/Global Learning, Intercultural Communication/Competence, English for Academic Purposes |
Ash Enrici
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy |
Ocean Philanthropy Research Initiative |
Vernise Estorcien
Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs |
Police Mentoring of At-Risk Youth: Case Study of Police-Led Mentoring Program Leadership Development |
Sasha Fedorikhin
Kelley School of Business |
Consumer Emotions in Decision Making and Self-Control |
Anthony, B. Firulli
School of Medicine |
The role of twist1 in EMT |
Barbara Flynn
Kelley School of Business |
Global High Performance Manufacturing |
Carrie Foote
School of Liberal Arts |
Indiana HIV Criminal Law Enforcement Research: Translating Data into Community Legislative Action |
J. Dennis Fortenberry
School of Medicine |
A delivery system for expedited partner services |
J. Dennis Fortenberry
School of Medicine |
A Marketing Concept Test of Vaginal Microbicide Acceptability for STD/ |
Yao-Yi Fu
School of Physical Education and Tourism Management |
Automotive Events and Brand Communities in Tourism and Hospitality |
Sadaaki Fukui
School of Social Work |
Improving Quality of Care & Wellbeing |
John Goodpaster
School of Science |
Evaluation of the Odor Compounds Sensed by Explosive-Detecting Canines |
Nicholas Grahame
School of Science |
Lithium vs Valproate Addressing Impulsivity Related to Mood Disorders |
Virgil Gregory
School of Social Work |
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use and Emotional Disorders, Racial Injustice |
Eric Grommon
Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs |
Monroe County (IN) Racial Justice Data Project |
Jennifer Guiliano
School of Liberal Arts |
Collaborative Knowledge Production through Linked Open Data and Indigenous Historical Data |
Joan Haase
School of Nursing |
The Resilience in Illness Model |
Carrie Hagan
Robert H. McKinney School of Law |
Empowerment Through Interdisciplinary Partnerships in a Clinic Setting |
Lindsay Haskett
School of Nursing |
Vicarious Trauma Among Frontline Nurses Caring for COVID-19 Patients in Three Countries |
John Hassell
Kelley School of Business |
The usefulness of voluntary management earnings forecasts |
Cleveland Hayes
School of Education |
The Art of Portraiture: An Urban School Art Teacher’s Use of Art as Creative Resistance |
Katharine Head
School of Liberal Arts |
Vaccine promotion interventions and initiatives; Clinical communication about complex medical test results |
Devon Hensel
School of Medicine |
Coital and Noncoital Sexual Repertoire Among Adolescent Women |
Randall Heron
Kelley School of Business |
Research that uncovered stock option grant backdating |
Roland Herzog
School of Medicine |
Gene Therapy for Hemophilia |
Patricia Herzog
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Who Gives & Why: Employing Giver Types to Improve Fundraising Practices |
Jay Hess
School of Medicine |
Identifying and treating leukemia |
Susan Hickman
School of Nursing |
The Indiana POST (Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment) Program |
James Hill
School of Science |
Center for Software & Innovation |
Richard Holden
School of Medicine |
Technology for Prevention and Care of Dementia and other Chronic Diseases |
Laura Holzman
Herron School of Art and Design, School of Liberal Arts |
Engaged Art History and Collaborative Curatorial Practice |
Michin Hong
School of Social Work |
Combating anti-Asian racism on college campus: Do college students’ peer relations and sense of belonging on campus buffer the effects of anti-Asian racism on social anxiety? |
Susan Hyatt
School of Liberal Arts |
Student-Community Collaborative Research |
Onyedika Ilonze
School of Medicine |
Cannabis Use and Heart transplantation: Disparities and Opportunities to Improve Outcomes |
Sarath Janga
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Rapid detection of viral based infectious diseases |
Xiaoming Jin
School of Medicine |
Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuropathic Pain and Their Novel Treatments |
Daniel Johnson
School of Liberal Arts |
COVID-19 Seasonality and Relationship to Social Vulnerability in Indiana, Extreme Heat Vulnerability |
Navin Kaushal
School of Health & Human Sciences |
Theory-based approaches to facilitating a physically active lifestyle among older adults |
Lasana Kazembe
School of Education |
elev8te: Exploring Global Black Arts Movements |
Mark Kelley
School of Medicine |
Cancer therapeutics of DNA repair targets |
Mark Kelley
School of Medicine |
Therapeutic targeting of DNA repair and redox signaling nodes for cancer and other diseases |
Jason Kelly
School of Liberal Arts |
The Anthropocene Household |
Khadija Khaja
School of Social Work |
A Qualitative Research Study on the Impact of 9/11 on Muslims |
Soo Hyeon Kim
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Family Makers: Online Engineering Program for Underserved Children and Caregivers at Rural Libraries |
Juliet King
School of Medicine |
The Systematic Integration of Neuroscience and Art Therapy. Specialization: Psychological Stress and Trauma |
Amy Knopf
School of Nursing |
Minor consent for biomedical trials |
Komal Kochhar
School of Medicine |
What Factors Influence the Choice of Residency Graduates to Serve in Medically Underserved Areas or Health Professional Shortage Areas? |
Sara Konrath
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy |
Using mobile technology for psychosocial interventions |
Kurt Kroenke
School of Medicine |
Improving the care of patients with common symptoms |
Eric Kyere
School of Social Work |
Collective Cultural Trauma Construction and Healing through Critical Dialogue on Slavery Within Atlantic Framework |
Lin Li
School of Science |
Remote sensing of inland water quality |
Becky Liu-Lastres
School of Health & Human Sciences |
Developing a Resilience-Based Framework in Tourism and Hospitality |
Marian Logrip
School of Science |
Novel pharmacological targets to treat stress-potentiated alcohol misuse |
Krista Longtin
School of Liberal Arts, School of Medicine |
Using Applied Improvisational Theatre to Teach Scientists and Health Professionals to Communicate More Effectively |
Yvonne Yueh-Feng Lu
School of Nursing |
Daily Engagement in Meaningful Activity (DEMA) intervention for MCI patients and their family caregivers |
Marjorie Lyles
Kelley School of Business |
International Strategies of Mid-Sized Firms: A Comparison |
Karl MacDorman
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Android Science |
Lauren Magee
Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs |
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Improving Behavioral Health Outcomes of Nonfatal Firearm Injury Victims |
Lauren Magee
Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs |
Identifying Victims of Firearm Injury and Examining Clinical Care Utilization |
Julie Manning Magid
Kelley School of Business |
RFID and Privacy: An Integrative Approach |
Susana Mariscal
School of Social Work |
Family Resource Centers, A Window Between Worlds, Parent Cafes, Promotoras de Salud (Community Navigators), Families Talking Together (Familias Hablando Unidas) |
James Marrs
School of Science |
Genesis and consequences of embryonic ethanol exposure: A zebrafish FASD model |
Esperanza Martinez Mier
School of Dentistry |
Impact of prenatal and childhood exposure to fluoride on neurodevelopment and cognitive and behavioral outcomes in children |
Tom Marvin
School of Liberal Arts |
Starting from Scratch: Building Community Support for Labor Organizing |
Marianne Matthias
School of Liberal Arts |
Identifying Strategies to Improve Communication in Chronic Pain Care |
Gerardo Maupome
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health |
Health disparities and disparities in access to health care |
Monica Medina
School of Education |
Addressing the Needs of an Urban Community through the Development of Full Service Community Schools |
Jason Meyer
School of Medicine |
In vitro modeling of neurodegenerative diseases with human pluripotent stem cells |
Willie Miller
University Library |
Assessing library space |
Wendy Miller
School of Nursing |
Utilizing Innovative Methods to inform Patient-Centered Interventions in People with Epilepsy |
Kyle Minor
School of Science |
Cognition, Language, and Affect in Serious Psychopathology (CLASP) Laboratory |
Paul Moffett
University Library |
Using mixed method assessment methods in informal learning spaces in libraries |
Gwendolyn Morrison
School of Liberal Arts |
Antibiotic Resistant Infections |
Crystal Morton
School of Education |
Girls STEM Institute |
Catherine Mosher
School of Science |
Improving Symptom Management and Quality of Life in Adults with Cancer and their Family Caregivers |
Angela Murillo
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Navigating the Major Facilities Data Lifecycle |
Harikrishna Nakshatri
School of Medicine |
Enhancing hormone therapy and chemotherapy sensitivity of breast cancer |
Pamela Napier
Herron School of Art and Design |
Facilitating People-Centered Design Research and Community Engagement |
Elizabeth Nelson
School of Liberal Arts |
Indiana Women's Prison History Project |
Lauren Nephew
School of Medicine |
Understanding the role of the social and structural determinants of health on access to liver disease care |
Robin Newhouse
School of Nursing |
Guideline Based Care for People With Heart Failure |
Jason Organ
School of Medicine |
Mechanical and evolutionary adaptations in the musculoskeletal system and communicating effectively with nonspecialists |
Christie Orschell
School of Medicine |
Medical Countermeasures Against Radiation |
Julie Otte
School of Nursing |
Impact of Poor Sleep on Healthy and Chronic Illness Populations |
Sharon Pape
School of Health & Human Sciences |
What's the Difference Between OT and PT? |
John Parrish-Sprowl
School of Liberal Arts |
Community Development |
R. Mark Payne
School of Medicine |
Developing a Cure for Friedreich's Ataxia |
Louis Pelus
School of Medicine |
Inhibiting PGE2 for mobilizing blood stem cells |
Tod Perry
Kelley School of Business |
Corporate Governance: Compensation and Board of Directors |
Christine Picard
School of Science |
Insect genomics for a sustainable future. |
Barbara Pierce
School of Social Work |
Various: Trauma theory translated into practices for school and child welfare personnel |
Jeremy Price
School of Education |
Addressing Race, Religion, Antisemitism, and White Nationalism in Schools and Communities |
Saptarshi Purkayastha
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
mobile Helping Babies Survive - a mobile application for training in neonatal resuscitation |
Irene Queiro-Tajalli
School of Social Work |
Aging and Older Iranian Immigrants in the Diaspora |
Fran Quigley
Robert H. McKinney School of Law |
How Human Rights Can Build Haiti (Vanderbilt U. Press, 2014). |
Randall Roper
School of Science |
Skeletal and cognitive deficits associated with Down syndrome |
Leonid Rubchinsky
School of Science |
Interaction of synchronized dynamics in cortex and basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease |
Leonid Rubchinsky
School of Science |
Dysregulation of Temporal Dynamics of Synchronous Neural Activity in Adolescents on Autism Spectrum |
Michelle Salyers
School of Science |
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) |
Helen Sanematsu
Herron School of Art and Design |
Co-design, Participation, and Dialogue in Community Development |
Cristina Santamaria Graff
School of Education |
Honoring Families’ Knowledge and Knowledge-Making in the Education of their Children Through Family as Faculty Approaches |
Neetha Santosh
School of Dentistry |
Identification of Biomarkers in Predicting Progression of Oral Precancerous Lesions |
Todd Saxton
Kelley School of Business |
Improving the Odds of Venture Success |
M. Kim Saxton
Kelley School of Business |
Improving Marketing Manager Decision Making |
Titus Schleyer
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, School of Medicine, Unit/Other |
Improving how clinicians access electronic information about their patients |
Nathan Schmidt
School of Medicine |
Modulating the severity of malaria via gut microbiota |
Patricia Scott
School of Health & Human Sciences |
Participation in valued social roles: Seemingly simple on the surface |
Stephanie Serriere
Indiana University Columbus |
Civic education in the elementary years: Promoting student engagement in an era of accountability |
Genevieve Shaker
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy |
Enhancing fundraising practice through research and education |
Lea Shaver
Robert H. McKinney School of Law |
The Right to Science and Culture |
Brandon Sherman
School of Education |
Critical Sociocultural Pedagogical Coaching (with Dr. Teemant), Equity-based Family, Community, and School Partnership (with Dr. Teemant) |
Carol Shieh
School of Nursing |
The Right Weight Program to prevent excessive gestational weight gain in pregnant women |
Rakesh Shiradkar
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Artificial Intelligence with multi-modal imaging for personalized medicine |
Lahny Silva
Robert H. McKinney School of Law |
Reentry Clinic |
Emily Sims
School of Medicine |
Biomarkers of Beta Cell Stress and Dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes |
Todd Skaar
School of Medicine |
Discovery & Implementation of Pharmacogenomics to Guide Medication Therapies |
Teresa Sosa
School of Education |
“What are we trying to accomplish?”: Student resistance as racial wisdom |
Mythily Srinivasan
School of Dentistry |
Novel peptide therapeutics for targeting neuroinflammation |
Lisa Staten
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health |
Diabetes Impact Project - Indianapolis Neighborhoods |
Dimitrios Stefanidis
School of Medicine |
Developing a competency-based education curriculum for surgery residents |
Jesse Stewart
School of Science |
Cardiometabolic Behavioral Medicine Research |
Deborah Stiffler
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, School of Medicine, School of Nursing |
Grassroots Maternal and Child Health Leadership Training Program |
Peggy Stockdale
School of Science |
Research-Infused Strategies for Responding Effectively to Sexual Harassment; From Data to Impact: Insights from Gender Research to Build Career Success |
Bill Sullivan
School of Medicine |
Discovery of new drugs to treat incurable latent infections |
Kara Taylor
School of Education |
Literacy practices fostering healing spaces in classrooms and critical dispositions in Preservice Teachers |
Nolan Taylor
Kelley School of Business |
Information exchange and use in group decision making: Effects of ... |
Annela Teemant
School of Education |
Partnering for Radical School Improvement: Preparing Every Teacher for English Language Learners |
Jeffry W. Thigpen
School of Social Work |
Childhood Sexual Behavior Problems |
Thankam Thyvalikakath
School of Dentistry |
Leveraging Electronic Dental Record Data for Clinical Research in the National Dental PBRN Practices |
Emma Tillman
School of Medicine |
Pharmacogenomic approach to optimizing medication use in pediatric |
Alexia Torke
School of Medicine |
Surrogate decision making for older adults |
Tuan Tran
School of Medicine |
Systems Analysis of Malaria Immunity |
Uranchimeg Tsultem
Herron School of Art and Design |
New Perspectives in Environmental Art and Art History |
Joseph Tucker Edmonds
School of Liberal Arts |
Narrating and Evaluating Black Male Cultural Trauma |
Homer Twigg III
Graduate School, School of Medicine |
HIV and the lung |
Kathleen Unroe
School of Medicine |
OPTIMISTIC clinical demonstration project |
Mark Urtel
School of Health & Human Sciences |
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning OR Rethinking physical activity as an intervention for wellness in youth |
Pratibha Varma-Nelson
School of Science |
Development, Evaluation and Dissemination of Peer-Led Team Learning and cyber Peer-Led Team Learnng |
Joshua Vest
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health |
Applications of novel health information technology and data to population health |
Chandler Walker
School of Dentistry, School of Medicine |
Stem Cell-Based Therapies for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
Marquita Walker
School of Social Work |
The Broken Promise of Trade Adjustment Assistance: |
Marquita Walker
School of Social Work |
Survey: Training for my life: Lived experiences of dislocated workers |
Susan Walsh
School of Science |
Forensic DNA Phenotyping |
Sally Wasmuth
School of Health & Human Sciences |
Identity Development Evolution and Sharing (IDEAS) |
Michael Weiner
School of Medicine |
Medication reconciliation technology to improve transitional care |
Jennifer Wessel
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, School of Medicine |
Genetic Risk for Primordial Prevention of Cardiometabolic Disease |
Glenda Westmoreland
School of Medicine |
Geriatrics Education Network of Indiana |
Rachel Wheeler
School of Liberal Arts |
18th Century Mohican Hymnody and 21st Century Language Revival |
Sarah Wiehe
School of Medicine |
Dynamic context and adolescent health-risk |
Victoria Wilburn
School of Health & Human Sciences |
Community engaged research to advance mental and behavioral practice within underserved populations and communities |
David Wilkerson
School of Social Work |
Comparing crowdsourcing and friendsourcing: a social media-based feasibility study to support Alzheimer disease caregivers |
David Wilkerson
School of Social Work |
Digital Hybrid Psychoeducation: Model Development and Demonstration |
Linda Williams
School of Medicine |
Improving the quality of in-hospital VA stroke care |
Linda Williams
School of Medicine |
Implementing Evidence in Post-stroke Depression |
Jeffrey Wilson
School of Liberal Arts |
Implementing an Animated Geographic Information System to Investigate |
Huanmei Wu
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering |
Heterogeneous Data Modeling and Artificial Intelligent in Biomedical Informatics |
Valerie Yeager
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health |
Public Health Systems Research: Workforce Development, Recruitment and Retention, and Hiring Laws |
Tamika Zapolski
School of Science |
School-based Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents to Reduce Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors |
Gregory Zimet
School of Medicine |
Strategies to improve HPV vaccination coverage |
Xukai Zou
School of Science |
Cybersecurity |