Zachary Adams
Assistant Professor of PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry; Adolescent Behavioral Health Research Program (collaboration between IUSM Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine, IUSM Psychiatry, and IUPUI Psychology)
Improving Adolescent Behavioral Health through Research and Service
I have led or contributed to several research studies aimed at (a) identifying risk and protective factors for child/adolescent mental health and substance use disorders, and (b) developing and evaluating clinical tools and services meant to improve behavioral health functioning in young people. The assessment tools and treatment programs incorporate evidence-based principles from prior research, including our own. Additionally, we have evaluated or are evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of those tools in clinical research studies and quality improvement programs. Moreover, I lead or contribute to clinical service dissemination and implementation projects designed to increase the availability and accessibility of high quality, evidence-based behavioral health services -- especially for people with substance use disorders and/or traumatic stress -- across a range of settings (e.g., mental health clinics, primary care, juvenile justice) statewide in Indiana and nationally. This work involves close collaboration with other healthcare professionals (pediatricians, psychiatrists, social workers, etc.), academic partners (statisticians, neuroscientists, public health experts), frontline clinical staff, public and private stakeholders, as well as patients and families. The overall goal of this work is to promote health and well-being of people with mental health and substance use disorders and their families through research, clinical service, workforce development, and training.