
Since 2003, three main groups have contributed to the development of the IU Indianapolis TRIP initiative. First, a group of campus faculty, deans, the IU Foundation, external affairs, and center directors was assembled to discuss the viability of this proposal. These individuals contributed ideas on how an abstract concept like translational research could be brought to serve as a campus signature. These people included Teresa Bennett, Bobbie Bosch, Jennifer Boehm, Marion Broome, Brad Doebbeling, Rose Fife, Rich Frankel, David Ford, Twana Griffin-Carroll, Shelley Hunter, Mary Ann Shields, Bill Schneider, Stephan Viehweg, Amy Conrad Warner, and Robert White.

A second group was assembled from the community. These community members were essential in helping determine how to illustrate the utility and significance of the work IU Indianapolis campus researchers are doing and how we could communicate the importance of translational research. We are thankful for their contributions. The members of this group included Don DeVries, Marilyn Evans, Anne Shane, Diane Spaulding, Betty Stillwell, and Martha Walda.

The third group grew out of Executive Vice Chancellor Uday Sukhatme’s IU Indianapolis Action Teams, which included Hasan Akay, Simon Atkinson, Anne Belcher, Nancy Chism, Dominique Galli, Janice Froehlich, Ali Jafari, Greg Lindsey, Anna McDaniel, and Bob Sandy. Working with that group, we have developed seven TRIP programs that both illustrate and celebrate the IU Indianapolis TRIP scholars. 

We are also pleased to acknowledge the former Metropolitan Affairs Committee of the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council for their contributions to the development of IU Indianapolis TRIP programs. A special thanks to Bart Ng, a past IU Indianapolis Faculty Council President, for his tremendous support. We want to take this opportunity to heartily thank Bill Stuckey, Coordinator of Network and Information Systems, School of Liberal Arts, for his considerable commitment in developing the data sheets that will allow faculty to self-identify as Translational Scholars.

With the underwriting of Chancellor’s Circle contributions, Managing Director Stephan Viehweg and Project Leader Sandra Petronio launched the first TRIP program on October 15, 2007, with a panel discussion featuring five translational research scholars as part of IU Indianapolis’s contribution to celebrating the inauguration of IU President Michael McRobbie. The panelists included Joan Haase, Ali Jafari, Roger Jarjoura, Glenda Westmoreland, and Elizabeth Wood.

IU Indianapolis Translational Scholars were also featured in the Spring 2007 Chancellor’s Report to the Community and in a special presentation to the Chancellor’s Circle. You can read more about these translational research scholars in the Translational Scholars section.

Any faculty wishing to participate in the development of IU Indianapolis Center for Translating Research Into Practice programs and activities should contact Stephan Viehweg, Associate Director at ude[dot]ui[at]gewheivs .

Historical Perspective: Chancellor Emeritus Bantz and Professor Sandra Petronio discuss the TRIP initiative with Gerry Dick