Joan Haase
Emily Holmquist Professor in Pediatric Oncology NursingHealth Systems and Co-Director of the Research in Palliative and End-of-Life Communication and Training (RESPECT) Center.
The Resilience in Illness Model
Dr. Joan Haase conducts collaborative research with faculty in the School of Nursing, the School of Music, and the School of Medicine to discover ways to improve the resilience and quality of life of adolescents and young adults with cancer. Dr. Haase's Resilience in Ilness Model (RIM) is used as a guide for interventions to enhance individual, family, and social protective factors in order to increase resilience and quality of life. These protective factors include relationships with family, friends, and health care providers, positive coping, hope and spirituality. For example, in a recently completed study funded by the National Insititutes of Health, a music therapy intervention was tested and found to signficantly improve RIM outcomes for adolescents and young adults undergoing stem cell transplant. In our current NIN study, we are translating these findings to a broader population of adolescents and young with high risk cancers and also including a parent intervention. Evidence from a recent study applies the RIM in a music video intervention for adolescents and young adults receiving stem cell transplants for cancer. The adolescents and young adults complete on-line surveys to measure RIM factors. By assessing levels of resilience factors over time, across developmental stages, and among different age groups, health care providers can more accurately identify effective interventions. In 2011 RIM was adapted as the guiding framework for research conducted through the Children's Oncology Group Nursing Discipline. This organization provides pediatric cancer care in over 200 hospitals in North America, Austrailia, New Zealand, and parts of Europe. RIM is an excellent example of how faculty at IUPUI are TRANSLATING their RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE.