Saptarshi Purkayastha
Associate ProfessorDepartment of BioHealth Informatics;
Affiliated Scientist, Regenstrief Institute;
Associate Faculty, STEM Education Innovation & Research Institute
mobile Helping Babies Survive - a mobile application for training in neonatal resuscitation
The mobile Helping Babies Survive (mHBS) is a mobile application powered by DHIS2 is an invention in collaboration with Dr. Sherri Bucher of the IUSM that is used as a training, data collection, program monitoring and evaluation application. The application is undergoing a clinical trial for efficacy and knowledge retention among nurses and midwives in Kenya and Nigeria. As the inventor of DHIS2 mobile on which mHBS is based, the project has changed the way training is being done for neonatal resuscitation. We are partnering with the Laerdal Foundation, which has developed manikins for training. mHBS app's knowledge check and assessments, including tracking the outcomes of the deliveries made by the users makes this research translational. As an informatics intervention, it moves beyond app usage, but to improving health care delivery and tracking services provided to newborns.