Nominations Open for Bantz Awards
Bantz Awards Info Session
The TRIP Center is offering an info session for IUPUI faculty to learn more about the Charles R. Bantz Chancellor's Community Fellowship, the Charles R. Bantz Chancellor's Community Scholar Award and the Bantz-Petronio Translating Research Into Practice Faculty (TRIP) Award. During this informal info session, receive guidance on the submission process, ask questions, and hear from previous awardees about the impact that the awards have made in their research.
Info session date:
Thursday, January 11, 2023 - 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. (ET) via Zoom
January Scholar of the Month, Chalmer Thompson
January Scholar of the Month
Racism is a devastation that exists in communities throughout the world. It thwarts societies from evolving into their potential as socially, economically and politically viable settings in which to live and thrive. Drawing from her work on racialized violence, Dr. Chalmer Thompson will address how some scholars and practitioners perpetuate forms of systemic violence and she will demonstrate how liberation-based psychology can help end oppression.
TRIP Scholars in the News
A Successful Pitch Isn't Always About Money
In an article for the Indianapolis Business Journal, Professors Kim and Todd Saxton explain the different types of business pitches and the aspects of a successful pitch.
Achievements of IUPUI Center for TRIP Scholars
Our TRIP Scholars are very successful individuals who go above and beyond inside and outside of the classroom. They distinguish themselves in their careers through community-engaged research and academic excellence.
Upcoming Events |
Stay Engaged in the Community |
Thursday, January 5, 2023 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. |
Friday, January 27, 2023 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
News from our Partners
Here at the IUPUI Center for Translating Research Into Practice, community engagement is extremely important to us. Take a look at the free resources that are available to you to improve yourself and other members of your network.
Research Resources
Working on an amazing research project and need help with something? Take a look at the resources that are available to faculty researchers at Indiana University.
Nominations Open for Bantz Awards
Bantz Awards Info Session
The TRIP Center is offering an info session for IUPUI faculty to learn more about the Charles R. Bantz Chancellor's Community Fellowship, the Charles R. Bantz Chancellor's Community Scholar Award and the Bantz-Petronio Translating Research Into Practice Faculty (TRIP) Award. During this informal info session, receive guidance on the submission process, ask questions, and hear from previous awardees about the impact that the awards have made in their research.
Info session date:
Thursday, January 11, 2023 - 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. (ET) via Zoom
January Scholar of the Month, Chalmer Thompson
What Would Our Interactions Look Like If We Were Really Serious About Ending Racism?
Racism is a devastation that exists in communities throughout the world. It thwarts societies from evolving into their potential as socially, economically and politically viable settings in which to live and thrive. Drawing from her work on racialized violence, Dr. Chalmer Thompson will address how some scholars and practitioners perpetuate forms of systemic violence and she will demonstrate how liberation-based psychology can help end oppression.
IUPUI TRIP Scholars in the News
TRIP Scholar and Colleagues Publish New Study on Cervical Cancer and HPV Testing
Dr. Gregory Zimet and his colleagues developed and validated two scales measuring cervical cancer knowledge and HPV testing knowledge in a new article published in the Preventative Medicine Report.
Capacity to Consent to Research
Dr. Mary Ott and her co-authors published a study that assessed the cognitive capacity of adolescents and their parents/guardians to provide informed consent to participate in research studies.
IU Research Contributes to First FDA-Approved Drug to Delay Onset of Type 1 Diabetes
Dr. Emily Sims is a member of the Indiana University research team that created the first FDA-approved immunotherapy drug that delays of the onset of type 1 diabetes in at-risk individuals by an average of three years.
A Successful Pitch Isn't Always About Money
In an article for the Indianapolis Business Journal, Professors Kim and Todd Saxton explain the different types of business pitches and the aspects of a successful pitch.
Achievements of IUPUI Center for TRIP Scholars
TRIP Scholar Selected to Lead Study
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar, Dr. David Craig. Dr. Craig was selected to participate in one of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's leadership programs. These program connect changemakers across the country - from every profession and field - to learn from and work with one another in creating more just and thriving communities.
TRIP Scholars Serves as New Fellow in IU's Mosaic Initiative
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar, Dr. Leslie Etienne, on becoming a fellow in the Indiana University Mosaic Faculty program. This program provides and opportunity for faculty to engage in active learning practices in their own teaching and with other faculty fellows.
All IN for Health Director and TRIP Scholar Presents Poster about Trust at CLIC Meeting
Congratulations to Director of All IN for Health and TRIP Scholar, Professor Sylk Sotto. She presented a poster on behalf of the Indiana CTSI at the CTSA Program Annual Meeting this month in Washington DC. The goal of Sotto's presentation was to measure trust in biomedical research and healthcare organizations, as well as evaluate how to improve recruitment for All IN for Health.
Stay Engaged in the Community |
Thursday, January 5, 2023 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Newfields Art Museum offers free admission to all guests for the entire day on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year. Advance tickets are required. (Free Event)
Monday, January 9, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. |
Before you can begin using data to inform decisions, identify what you are trying to accomplish and determine how data can help you get there. This will determine what kind of data you need. What you will learn:
- To identify what your goal is
- To determine how to use data to help you meet your goal
- How to form questions that are measurable
- To determine what you need from your data (are you comparing across time, comparing to other geographies, individual level data, aggregated groups, comparing different groups, etc.)
(Free Event)
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. |
After developing a focused question and finding the data you need to answer it, yo need to find meaning in it. During this training you will learn::
- To clean data you gathered
- To analyze tables in Excel
- To develop and interpret clear, impactful charts
(Free Event)
Friday, January 27, 2023 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Join the IUPUI Center for TRIP to learn how Dr. Chalmer Thompson is working to eliminate racism in our communities. (Free Event)
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. |
Data is most powerful when you understand its limits. This module will give you the knowledge to think critically about data, making you aware of what can cause noise in data and how to use data effectively despite these limitations. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN
- How policy changes can affect the numbers
- How factors outside your analysis can impact the data
- How to judge the accuracy and reliability of data
(Free Event)
Greening IUPUI Grant is Now Accepting Applications
The Greening IUPUI Grant is now open and accepting applications! All students, faculty, and staff are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding for projects that promoted campus sustainability. Deadline is March 12, 2023.
IU Climate Action Website Launched
A new website now offers ways for the IU Community to engage in the work and progress of the Climate Action Planning Committee.
Stay Active and Warm This Winter
If the colder weather freezes your motivation to exercise outside, faculty and staff have an indoor option: Cardio equipment is free to use at Jaguar Campus Recreation, Campus Center Room 156, Dec. 1 through March 19.
Call For Curriculum Enhancement Grant Proposals
The 2023 CEG Request for Proposals is now open! Faculty from IUPUI are invited to submit a proposal to enhance their course/curricula for inclusive and equitable student learning experiences using innovative pedagogies and technology, and engaged learning practice of ePortfolios. Completed proposals due by January 31, 2023.
Postdoctoral Fellows Wanted
Are you or someone you know interested in advancing the science of informatics and methods applied to public health or population health? If so, the Regenstrief Institute and the IU Fairbanks School of Public Health are recruiting postdoctoral fellows for the Public Health and Population Health Informatics Fellowship program.
How to store or share restricted or critical data at IU
Storing data correctly is the key to keeping it safe. Storage owners must use the Institutional Storage Request Form if storing or sharing restricted or critical data. IU’s University Information Policy Office also reminds you that individually owned storage spaces such as Google at IU My Drive and Microsoft OneDrive at IU are never an appropriate place to share institutional data.
Reciprocal Innovation Planning Grants Available
A new round of global health planning grants provides funding to establish research collaborations focused on improving the health and well-being of Hoosiers and people in resource-limited communities around the world. Proposals must address a critical global health challenge such as infectious or non-communicable diseases, infant and maternal health, mental health or access to quality health care and demonstrate collaboration with at least one partner from a low- and middle-income country. The application deadline is March 30, 2023.
Download Statistical Analysis Software At No Charge
A reminder that you can install statistical, mathematical, and qualitative analysis software packages such as SPSS and Stata for no additional cost. Since this UITS initiative began in July 2022, the number of downloads is three times higher than it was in the prior year, with around 3,000 students, faculty, and staff taking advantage of access to the software.
IU Center for Survey Research Capabilities and Expertise
The IU Center for Survey Research has capabilities from traditional survey design and data collection (using web, mail, telephone, in-person) to qualitative interviews to specimen collection. They provide up to 2 hours of free consultation to any IU faculty, staff, or student and then charge based on hourly rates determined by the university. During the academic year, they offer free weekly consulting at two locations on the Bloomington campus (Tuesdays from 10-12 and Wednesdays from 12-1:30) but are happy to meet by Zoom for people in Indy.
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Substance Use Research Fund - Request for Proposals
New research funding from IU addresses racial and ethnic disparities specific to substance use disorder. $25,000 is available per grant. Funding will be available to IU faculty without regard to field or discipline to address this critical issue as broadly as possible. The research must be innovative, new, or reflect a new application of existing research. Priority will be given to efforts that seek to better understand and meet the needs of communities of color and utilize engagement methods with partners or the communities (such as community-based participatory research or person-centered outcomes research methods) which build sustainable relationships and trust in communities. All IU faculty (whether tenure-track or clinical track) on all IU campuses are welcome to apply.
IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Program
The IU Presidential Arts and Humanities program provides funding in support of research and creative activity through a variety of mechanisms, including a Fellows Program as well as travel and production grants. The research website outlines each of the categories of funding as well as eligibility and application requirements. All grant categories are currently open for applications.
Need Research Equipment, Datasets, or Software?
Do you need equipment, datasets or software to help conduct your research? IU researchers can search an online database to find university resources that are shareable with researchers or submit their own equipment from their laboratory or core to encourage broader use.
Want to apply for a grant but need a statistician on your team?
The Indiana Statistical Consulting Center supports IU faculty, staff and graduate students by helping with the planning phase, writing the methodological portion of grant proposals, carrying out the proposed analysis and writing up results once the grant is funded. Collaborators will meet free of charge with the agreement that their efforts will be compensated by the grant if funded.
Indiana University Innovation and Commercialization Office
IU's Innovation and Commercialization Office provides technical assistance on the commercialization of technology, including grant writing and submission in agency-specific systems such as ASSIST, FastLane,, eBRAP, etc. Contact Amie Frame at ude[dot]ui[at]emarfima for more information.
Private Foundation and Corporate Funding Opportunities
Private foundation and corporate funding opportunities are available through the Office of Business Partnerships and the Office of Foundation Relations.
UITS Research Technologies
Indiana University faculty have access to high performance computing and storage, research software, advanced visualization and data services, and expert consulting services.
Use Pivot to Find External Funding
Need external funding to support your research? Discover helpful information and resources to locate relevant external funding sources.
Search for Scholars @IU
Scholars@IU: this site provides access to Indiana University researchers. Use this information to find potential collaborators and partners.
Office of Research Administration Training Videos
The Office of Research Administration (ORA) provides free self-paced training videos for every step of your sponsored research.
Find Funding to Support Your Work
Indiana University offers numerous internal funding programs to support development of faculty research and creative activities.
Benefits include:
-You will be a valued member of an extensive network of other researchers/collaborators
-You will receive opportunities to showcase your research at IUPUI TRIP events
-You will receive promotional opportunities for your research inside and outside of the IUPUI community