December Scholar of the Month, Peter Schubert
Solving All the World’s Energy Problems Once and For All
Dr. Schubert will talk about three solutions needed so that everyone can enjoy a comfortable standard of living without damaging our planet. First, is baseload power for cities and factories, provided by Space Solar Power. Second is rural energy from non-food crop waste that can be converted, on-site, to electricity, heat, biochar, and also hydrogen transportation fuel. Third is safe, convenient hydrogen storage for mobile and portable applications that emit only water vapor as their liquid waste. Join us to learn more about how these solutions can be built from earth-abundant materials that are recyclable, so that a clean and growing economy can benefit all humankind.
TRIP Scholars in the News
Theater Used to Build Empathy and Reduce Stigma in Health Care
A unique project lead by TRIP Scholar, Sally Wasmuth, at the Indiana University School of Health and Human Sciences in Indianapolis, is working to reduce medical stigma and strengthen health care provider empathy with one of the oldest and most powerful storytelling mediums: theater.
Achievements of IUPUI Center for TRIP Scholars
Our TRIP Scholars are very successful individuals who go above and beyond inside and outside of the classroom. They distinguish themselves in their careers through community-engaged research and academic excellence.
Upcoming Events |
Stay Engaged in the Community |
Monday, December 4, 2023 • 8 a.m. - December 8, 8 p.m. |
Thursday, December 7, 2023 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Friday, December 15, 2023 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
News from our Partners
Here at the IUPUI Center for Translating Research Into Practice, community engagement is extremely important to us. Take a look at the free resources that are available to you to improve yourself and other members of your network.
Research Resources
Working on an amazing research project and need help with something? Take a look at the resources that are available to faculty researchers at Indiana University.
December Scholar of the Month, Peter Schubert
Solving All the World’s Energy Problems Once and For All
Dr. Schubert will talk about three solutions needed so that everyone can enjoy a comfortable standard of living without damaging our planet. First, is baseload power for cities and factories, provided by Space Solar Power. Second is rural energy from non-food crop waste that can be converted, on-site, to electricity, heat, biochar, and also hydrogen transportation fuel. Third is safe, convenient hydrogen storage for mobile and portable applications that emit only water vapor as their liquid waste. Join us to learn more about how these solutions can be built from earth-abundant materials that are recyclable, so that a clean and growing economy can benefit all humankind.
IUPUI TRIP Scholars in the News
Climate Change, Water Quality and Wetlands in Indiana
Dr. Gabriel Filippelli, 2017 Bantz Community Fellow, and other climate change professionals shared their thoughts about how climate change is affecting Indiana's water quality and infrastructure and what needs to be done to improve the situation.
Measuring Communication Experiences of Families of Inpatients Unable to Make Decisions for Themselves
As the population of the United States grows older, more and more family members will be called upon to make medical decisions during hospitalizations of those who cannot make decisions for themselves. Good quality, focused, empathetic and timely communication between family members and clinicians is essential for good decision-making. In a new study, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Alexia Torke and a team of researchers from Regenstrief and the IU School of Medicine, developed an abbreviated 5-question and 10-question survey, which they validated with family members of adult hospital intensive care patients of all ages.
Computational Pharmacogenotype Extraction from Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing
Next-generation sequencing (NGS), including whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES), is increasingly being used for clinic care. While NGS data have the potential to be repurposed to support clinical pharmacogenomics (PGx), current computational approaches have not been widely validated using clinical data. In this study, 2022 Bantz-Petronio TRIP Awardee, Dr. Todd Skaar, and his colleagues assessed the accuracy of the Aldy computational method to extract PGx genotypes from WGS and WES data for 14 and 13 major pharmacogenes, respectively.
How do flies find every stinky garbage dumpster? A Biologist Explains Their Sensory Superpower
TRIP Scholar, Dr. Christine Picard, explains the evolutionary factors behind flies' sense of smell.
Untreated Mental Illness Costs Indiana Over $4 Billion Each Year
A new study led by professors Heather Taylor and TRIP Scholar Justin Blackburn, reveals the economic burden of untreated mental illness in Indiana, which results in $4.2 billion spent annually.
COOPERATE: Empowering Minoritized Patients with Chronic Back and Other Musculoskeletal Pain to Receive the Care They Need
TRIP Scholar, Dr. Marianne Matthias, has led a new study focused on empowering minoritized patients with chronic back and other musculoskeletal pain to receive care best suited to their individual values and preferences.
IU Cancer Center Researchers Identify Biology Behind Aggressive Breast Cancers in Black Women
Researchers at IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center are unlocking the biology behind aggressive breast cancers in Black women. Led by TRIP Scholar, Dr. Harikrishna Nakshatri, this study could lead to new targeted treatments to lessen the disparities in breast cancer among Black women.
“We are thinking beyond dentistry”: Study helps clinicians identify Sjögren’s syndrome
In an interview with the Dental Tribune, TRIP Scholar, Thankam P. Thyvalikakath, explains how the linkage of electronic health records (EHR) and dental records data of patients with Sjögren’s syndrome could help offer better care and outcomes for those with the condition.
Theater Used to Build Empathy and Reduce Stigma in Health Care
A unique project lead by TRIP Scholar, Sally Wasmuth, at the Indiana University School of Health and Human Sciences in Indianapolis, is working to reduce medical stigma and strengthen health care provider empathy with one of the oldest and most powerful storytelling mediums: theater.
Achievements of IUPUI Center for TRIP Scholars
TRIP Scholar Receives National Book Award
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Professor Edward Curtis. The Arab American National Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, announced that Muslims of the Heartland: How Syrian Immigrants Made a Home in the American Midwest won the 2023 Evelyn Shakir Non-Fiction Arab American Book Award. “The award,” according to the museum, “is the only one in the nation created specifically to honor Arab American writers and books about the Arab American experience.” Buy the book.Listen to podcasts about the book.
TRIP Scholar Names Indiana CTSI Chief Diversity Officer
The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) named TRIP Scholar, Professor Sylk Sotto, as its first chief diversity officer. The new role is a direct outcome of the Indiana CTSI’s taskforce on equity, diversity and inclusion, which convened in 2021 to develop a plan for addressing health inequities and racial justice within its scope in Indiana.
Bantz Scholar Receives Honor
Congratulations to 2016 Bantz Community Scholar, Dr. Richard Holden, chair and professor of the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington (SPH-B) Department of Health & Wellness Design. He was elected a Fellow in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). This honor—the highest recognition bestowed by HFES—is "conferred by distinguished colleagues to recognize outstanding achievement, consistently superior professional performance, exceptional contributions, personal service to the Society, and other meritorious accomplishments by Society members."
TRIP Scholar Visits White House
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar, Professor Susana Mariscal. Her research article on the intersection of domestic violence and child welfare has been cited by the two separate news: Boston Globe and Boston Globe Editorial.
Victor, B. G., Rousson, A. N., Henry, C., Dalvi, H. B., & Mariscal, E. S. (2021). Child protective services guidelines for substantiating exposure to domestic violence as maltreatment and assigning caregiver responsibility: Policy analysis and recommendations. Child Maltreatment, 26(4), 452-463.
Also, Dr. Mariscal served as a research mentor for a PhD student through the Esperanza United 2023 Latin@ Leaders Fellowship. Dr. Mariscal along with other mentors and mentees were invited to the White House earlier this year to meet with experts in gender-based violence, including advisors to President Biden and Vice-President Harris, and the chair of the Gender Policy Council, among others.
TRIP Scholar Receives Law Award
Congratulations to 2019 Bantz Community Scholar Professor Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow. She received Indiana Lawyer's Diversity in Law Award. Awardees are Indiana attorneys and judges who actively work to promote different forms of diversity within the legal profession.
TRIP Scholar Receives Grant
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Timothy Corson. He received a $447,616 grant from the National Eye Institute to study "Ferrochelatase as a mediator of ocular angiogenesis."
TRIP Scholar Receives Research Grants
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Sarah Wiehe. she received a $300,000 grant from the Indiana Department of Health for the Indiana Chronic Disease Coalition project. She also received a $105,000 grant from the Indiana Department of Health for the Community Health Partnerships- Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana FY 24.
Stay Engaged in the Community |
Friday, December 1, 2023 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Fridays at noon, the Department of Medicine hosts seminars that foster knowledge and discussion about emerging and important topics. Participants may join in-person or via Zoom. Lunch will be provided to those who join in-person in the Emerson Hall Auditorium, room 304. (Free Event)
Monday, December 4, 2023 • 8 a.m. - December 8, 8 p.m. |
Stress Busters Week (December 4-8) is a full week of fun and stress relief for IUPUI students. There will be painting, crafting tutorials, dogs and cats, fitness classes, SNACKS and so much more! Take a much deserved break before finals. (Free Events)
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. |
Data is most powerful when you understand its limits. This module will give you the knowledge to think critically about data, making you aware of what can cause noise in data and how to use data effectively despite these limitations. (Free Event)
Thursday, December 7, 2023 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Newfields Art Museum offers free admission to all guests for the entire day on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year. Advance tickets are required. (Free Event)
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 • 7 a.m. - 12 p.m. |
Volunteers assist with setting up meal distribution sites, bagging meals, directing traffic, distributing community resources, loading food boxes and uplifting the community. Two shifts available: Packing from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., and distribution from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Light refreshments are provided for breakfast and a boxed lunch for the 9:30 am- 12:30 pm volunteers. Warm beverages and bottled water are available throughout the day.
(Free Event)
Thursday, December 14, 2023 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
As awareness of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and other mental health challenges increase, fundraisers need to increase their knowledge of how to fundraise when a donor develops cognitive impairment. Learn how to recognize signs of cognitive impairment and the ethical fundraising practices associated with continuing a relationship with that donor. The webinar features Tara Adams and Tony Pomonis, frontline fundraisers who founded the Cognitive Empowerment Consulting Group to address this important yet often unspoken issue. ($19.74)
Friday, December 15, 2023 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Dr. Schubert will talk about three solutions needed so that everyone can enjoy a comfortable standard of living without damaging our planet. (Free Event)
Access Pass to Local Indy Attractions
The Eiteljorg Museum is proud to be a part of the Access Pass program. Families who meet the requirements can apply for the Access Pass and then visit all participating attractions for just $2 per family member per visit.
Employees Can Qualify for Loan Forgiveness Program
Indiana University is a qualifying organization for the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which forgives a specific type of student loan for employees who meet certain conditions.
3 Preparedness Tips to Help You Stay Safe in an Emergency
Increase your readiness for any crisis. “In an emergency situation, having a plan and knowing how to get help can make all the difference,” said Amanda Roach, university director of Emergency Management and Continuity. “Whether it’s a natural hazard like a tornado, a medical emergency, a utility failure or any other kind of crisis, preparedness is essential to keep you and others safe.”
IUPUI Commencement Days, Times to Change in 2024
In an effort to provide additional time and opportunities to celebrate, campus officials have shifted the day and time of the May 2024 combined commencement ceremony for undergraduate and graduate students.
Updated CTL Media Suite Now Available!
The IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Media Suite has been updated with full green screen capability. One of the main highlights of the suite is one-touch button recording with green screen technology and other video overlays using the Stream Deck. The suite can be used for recording high-quality video segments for your courses.
IU Offices to Close for Week in December
This year, all offices on all Indiana University campuses across the state will close the week of Dec. 25 to 29, IU President Pamela Whitten recently announced.
Research Translation ToolKit Available from USAID
The LASER PULSE collaboration has produced a collection of tools to aid researchers in planning for and conducting research translation. The collection includes planning and strategy tools for research translation implementation, stakeholder analysis, communication, and dissemination; guidance on specific approaches to research translation related to policy change, community engagement, nudges, and effective storytelling; and guidance on creating briefs and other written communications to facilitate research translation.
What is Research Translation and Why is it Important?
“It is important to understand the literal meaning of research translation – just like translating between languages, it involves taking academic jargon, models and publications, and translating them into more accessible language, formats and recommendations that can be understood and used by organizations, communities and policymakers,” said Christopher Rice, research translation and policy lead for the IU Center for Global Health Equity.
How to store or share restricted or critical data at IU
Storing data correctly is the key to keeping it safe. Storage owners must use the Institutional Storage Request Form if storing or sharing restricted or critical data. IU’s University Information Policy Office also reminds you that individually owned storage spaces such as Google at IU My Drive and Microsoft OneDrive at IU are never an appropriate place to share institutional data.
Download Statistical Analysis Software At No Charge
A reminder that IU faculty, staff, and students can install statistical, mathematical, and qualitative analysis software packages such as SPSS and Stata for no additional cost. Since this UITS initiative began in July 2022, the number of downloads is three times higher than it was in the prior year, with around 3,000 students, faculty, and staff taking advantage of access to the software.
IU Center for Survey Research Capabilities and Expertise
The IU Center for Survey Research has capabilities from traditional survey design and data collection (using web, mail, telephone, in-person) to qualitative interviews to specimen collection. They provide up to 2 hours of free consultation to any IU faculty, staff, or student and then charge based on hourly rates determined by the university. During the academic year, they offer free weekly consulting at two locations on the Bloomington campus (Tuesdays from 10-12 and Wednesdays from 12-1:30) but are happy to meet by Zoom for people in Indy.
IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Program
The IU Presidential Arts and Humanities program provides funding in support of research and creative activity through a variety of mechanisms, including a Fellows Program as well as travel and production grants. The research website outlines each of the categories of funding as well as eligibility and application requirements. All grant categories are currently open for applications.
Need Research Equipment, Datasets, or Software?
Do you need equipment, datasets or software to help conduct your research? IU researchers can search an online database to find university resources that are shareable with researchers or submit their own equipment from their laboratory or core to encourage broader use.
Want to apply for a grant but need a statistician on your team?
The Indiana Statistical Consulting Center supports IU faculty, staff and graduate students by helping with the planning phase, writing the methodological portion of grant proposals, carrying out the proposed analysis and writing up results once the grant is funded. Collaborators will meet free of charge with the agreement that their efforts will be compensated by the grant if funded.
Indiana University Innovation and Commercialization Office
IU's Innovation and Commercialization Office provides technical assistance on the commercialization of technology, including grant writing and submission in agency-specific systems such as ASSIST, FastLane,, eBRAP, etc. Contact Amie Frame at ude[dot]ui[at]emarfima for more information.
Private Foundation and Corporate Funding Opportunities
Private foundation and corporate funding opportunities are available through the Office of Business Partnerships and the Office of Foundation Relations.
UITS Research Technologies
Indiana University faculty have access to high performance computing and storage, research software, advanced visualization and data services, and expert consulting services.
Use Pivot to Find External Funding
Need external funding to support your research? Discover helpful information and resources to locate relevant external funding sources.
Search for Scholars @IU
Scholars@IU: this site provides access to Indiana University researchers. Use this information to find potential collaborators and partners.
Office of Research Administration Training Videos
The Office of Research Administration (ORA) provides free self-paced training videos for every step of your sponsored research.
Find Funding to Support Your Work
Indiana University offers numerous internal funding programs to support development of faculty research and creative activities.
Benefits include:
-You will be a valued member of an extensive network of other researchers/collaborators
-You will receive opportunities to showcase your research at IUPUI TRIP events
-You will receive promotional opportunities for your research inside and outside of the IUPUI community