Mary A. Ott
Assistant Professor of PediatricsSection of Adolescent Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Sexually Transmitted Disease-Topical Microbicide Cooperative Research Center
Adolescent Developmental & Relationship Contexts of Sexual Abstinence
This interdisciplinary research program advances our understanding of how development, relationships and social contexts influence adolescent abstinence decisions. Four linked studies use a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods that are drawn from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and medicine. These research findings have been translated into practice on several levels: (1) Clinicians - this research has lead to the use of a developmental framework for office-based counseling; (2) Local-State public health program - Indiana RESPECT abstinence-focused education program evaluation and improvement; (3) Policy and Advocacy - Research findings have been directly incorporated into Society for Adolescent Medicine policy statements.