2024 Social Justice Symposium
The IUPUI Center for TRIP is partnering with the IUPUI Division of Diversity Equity & Inclusion and the IUPUI Center for Social Justice Education to host the 2024 Social Justice Symposium. The annual program will begin with an evening reception on Thursday, March 7, 2024. Location details will be shared via email. The program will continue on Friday, March 8, 2024 at the IUPUI Campus Center with free lunch provided. With the theme of "Social Justice in Action: Interrogating the Landscape and Igniting Passion," attendees will co-curate knowledge sharing around social justice issues through workshops, speakers, and discussions.
February Scholar of the Month, Crystal Morton
Girls STEM Institute: Impacting Lives through a Loving and Holistic Approach
Girls STEM Institute (GSI) provides an affirming system of support for girls of color focused on STEM (science, engineering, technology, and math) identity and overall wellness and well-being and seeks to rehumanize their STEM learning experiences. Join us as Dr. Crystal Morton provides an overview and discusses the ways GSI has positively impacted the lives of program scholars and their families through a loving and holistic approach.
IUPUI TRIP Scholars in the News
“I Am Interested!”: The Voices of the Community and Their Participation in Health Advisory Boards
In a recently published article for the Journal of Health Equity, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Sylk Sotto, and her co-authors discuss the importance of having community and health advisory boards as an opportunity to create intentional and honest relationships between researchers and the community.
How to Fix Attendance: A Research Overview of What Works
In an interview with TES Magazine, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty of the IU School of Social Work, discusses recent trends in school attendance and how institutions can best address persistent absences.
From Lab to Market: Discoveries in Kelley Lab Lead to New Therapies for Multiple Diseases
TRIP Scholar, Dr. Mark Kelley's trailblazing research, along with his commitment to innovation and mentorship, has resulted in an extraordinary career at the forefront of medical advancement. Learn more about his journey from the lab to the market in this IU School of Medicine article.
Why Companies Are Racing to Build the World's Biggest Bug Farm
In a new article from The Seattle Times, TRIP Scholar and Professor of Biology, Christine Picard, discusses the growing trend of "bug farms" for agriculture-based needs such as livestock and fertilizer.
Bubblegum-Pink Lakes to Become More Common as Climate Changes
In an interview with Newsweek, 2017 Bantz Community Fellow, Dr. Gabe Filippelli, shares his thoughts on bubble-gum pink lakes, like the ones found in Western Australia, becoming more common as the climate changes.
Public Health Summit Commits to Curbing Youth Gun Violence
In an interview with Fox 59 News, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Lauren Magee, addressed what she called data silos in the law enforcement, emergency response and medical fields that thwart researchers attempting to paint a statistical picture of the gun violence challenge facing Indy's children.
Retinoblastoma Outcomes in the Americas
In a recent article for The American Journal of Ophthalmology, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Timothy Corson, and his co-authors report the outcomes of American retinoblastoma patients and explore factors associated with survival and globe salvage.
Understanding the Impact of Transferring Patients with Dementia Between Hospitals
TRIP Scholar, Dr. Kathleen Unroe, and her research partner, Dr. Malaz Boustani, reviewed electronic health records to compare older adults with dementia transferred to another hospital with older adults who did not have dementia. The researchers found significant differences in treatment following transfer.
Telehealth App Supports Dementia Caregivers
2016 Bantz Community Scholar, Dr. Richard Holden, and his research partner, Dr. Malaz Boustani, have created and real-world tested an evidence-based app that helps caregivers of dementia patients.
Hydrocephalus Symposium Gathers Researchers to Address the Debilitating Brain Condition
In December 2023, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Bonnie Blazer-Yost, and the IUI School of Science hosted the inaugural Hyrdocephalus Research Symposium, gathering researchers from across the world to address the debilitating brain condition.
Achievements of IUPUI Center for TRIP Scholars
TRIP Scholar Inducted as ACMI Fellow
TRIP Scholar Dr. Thankam Thyvalikakath, was inducted as a fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI). Dr. Thyvalikakath was one of 23 fellows inducted into ACMI at the ceremony on November 12, 2023.
TRIP Scholars Receive $5 Million Grant to Find Ways to Transform Adolescent Opioid Use Disorder Care in Indiana
TRIP Scholars Dr. Zachary Adams and Dr. Matthew Aalsma are principal investigators on a research project to improve the accessibility and quality of care for adolescents experiencing opioid use disorder (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUDs).
TRIP Scholar Receives Grant Funding
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar, Dr. Harikrishna Nakshatri, who received a $400,000 grant from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to study "Mechanistic insights into breast cancers with chromosome 8q24.3 amplification." He also received a $295,797 from the National Cancer Institute for the "Summer Program for Academic Research in Cancer (SPARC)."
TRIP Scholar Receives Grant Funding
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Devon Hensel. She received an $11,122 grant from the University of Minnesota for her research project "Training Healthcare Professionals to Address Reproductive Health for People with Disabilities in Tanzania."
TRIP Scholar Receives Grant Funding
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Onyedika IIonze. He received a $77,864 grant from Purdue University for his research project "Leg Heat Therapy to Improve Functional Performance in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF): a pilot study."
TRIP Scholar Receives Grant Funding
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Kathleen Unroe. She received a $39,939 grant from the University of Michigan for her research project "The Impact of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias on Nursing Home Care and Quality for Persons with Serious Mental Illness."
Stay Engaged in the Community |
Thursday, February 1, 2024 • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. |
The quarterly summits are designed to explore relevant social determinants of health for the Black community, raise awareness, and also provide a connection to resources for those who live with these ailments or provide support. This event is FREE to attendees, with a light breakfast and catered lunch served as well! Please join at Martin University. (Free Event)
Thursday, February 1, 2024 • 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
Newfields Art Museum offers free admission to all guests for the entire day on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year. Advance tickets are required. (Free Event)
Friday, February 2, 2024 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Fridays at noon, the Department of Medicine hosts seminars that foster knowledge and discussion about emerging and important topics. Participants may join in-person or via Zoom. Lunch will be provided to those who join in-person in the Emerson Hall Auditorium, room 304. (Free Event)
Monday, February 12, 2024 • 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. |
Join the IU Center for Rural Engagement, the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, and IU faculty to increase your capacity and leverage expertise that supports effective translation and dissemination. This webinar will also identify opportunities to increase recognition for your research efforts among academic and funding organizations. This event is open to anyone at IU who is active or interested in community-engaged research. (Free Event)
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Asli Narin is this year’s Herron Faculty Teaching Resident. Asli will discuss how image-making and book-making can help students express themselves creatively, budget-friendly, and efficiently without having professional knowledge of photography and design. Asli will also share how creating photobooks teaches conceptual thinking, visual literacy, curation, and design skills. Photobook is an excellent medium for interdisciplinary understanding since images, text, drawings, and other 2D mediums can be present at the same time coherently. It is a medium that can be easily implemented in art or non-art major courses to express ideas or research with visual narrative. (Free Event)
Friday, February 16, 2024 • 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. |
Join local Arab American community members, public historians, and nationally-known humanities scholars for a day-long conference exploring the opportunities for and challenges of community-engaged research on the history of Arab Americans. Breakfast and Lunch will be served. (Free Event)
Friday, February 23, 2024 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Dr. Crystal Morton provides an overview and discusses the ways Girls STEM Institute (GSI) has positively impacted the lives of program scholars and their families through a loving and holistic approach. (Free Event)
IUI Community-Engaged Research to Impact Health Equity Consortium
The newly established IUI Community-Engaged Research to Impact Health Equity Consortium is seeking to create a network of researchers who do or wish to do research that involves the community. Health in this Consortium is defined broadly, considering all social determinants of health, which are the upstream factors that eventually lead to poor health outcomes. Social determinants include a broad array of factors, such as income and job security, housing and basic amenities, the environment, education, criminal justice, exposure to violence, access to care, and more. If you want to learn more or have questions, please reach out to Silvia Bigatti, ude[dot]ui[at]ittagibs.
Accessible PDFs
Turning a standard PDF file into an accessible one can be daunting at first. But IU has multiple resources on creating accessible PDF and PDF-like content. For example, making an existing PDF file accessible is a great option for those with access to the PDF source file. Alternatively, Pressbooks is a great choice for hosting a wide variety of materials for both public and private distribution, including handbooks, newsletters, reports, and instructional materials.
Create a Mentally Safe Work Environment for Employees
Departments, managers, and supervisors can visit the Resources for Leaders page to find things such as expert resources and training related to a variety of organizational concerns or how to find support after a critical incident in the workplace.
Join the All IN for Health Research Volunteer Network
By joining the research volunteer network, you will be connected to opportunities to learn about the thousands of health research studies that are being done in Indiana and get an email notification when a new study opens that fits your interests. You will also be contributing to a greater understanding of different diseases and conditions, how they affect each of us, and how we can best treat and prevent health conditions.
Shape What's Next at IU
Indiana University Information Technology Services (UITS) is always trying new things that faculty have told them will help them better engage and teach students. You're invited to pilot new tools and technologies or suggest ones they should be exploring. Widely used tools like Zoom, Kaltura, and Top Hat started out as pilots. You could be part of the next big thing.
NIFS Mini-Marathon & 5K Training Program
NIFS Mini-Marathon & 5K Training Program - February-May 2024
Have you been thinking about competing in your first 5K or Mini Marathon? Competed before but need a strategy for staying on track with your training or improving your time? Cross the finish line with NIFS in 2024! This 14-week program provides an in-depth, personalized, and interactive training approach.
Features include:
- Weekly group training runs and walks on Wednesdays
- Training program designed for your level of fitness, experience, and goals
- Access to NIFS Fitness Center before or after training
- Training program shirt
- Post training snacks and refreshments
Registration Now Open!
Fighting Fraud on Our IU Campuses
It is important to know how to protect yourself from cybercrimes like ticket scams, sextortion, and email phishing.
Professional Development Grants
IU Women in Information Technology (IUWIT) is excited to offer $300 professional development grants. Professional Development is broadly defined to include leadership training, onsite and virtual training, travel to participate in events/conferences, and purchasing books or other media. Applications are open to people of any gender, from any IU campus.
IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grant
The IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grants, sponsored by IU Research, provide IU faculty the opportunity to apply for matching funds to curate and host an innovative conference on an IU campus. The purpose is to convene scholars from other institutions around the country and the world with IU faculty and students to explore novel ideas and initiatives, expand scholarly networks and build new research and creative activity partnerships. Funding is up to $15,000. Deadline: Open.
IU Research Equipment Fund
The IU Research Equipment Fund provides support for purchasing new research or creative activity equipment, for repairing or upgrading existing equipment and for datasets at IU university-wide that are strategically necessary to support high-quality research, attract and retain research faculty and generate external funding for IU Research. All requests should be more than $5,000 (after the required cost-share is secured). There is no maximum request. Deadline: Open.
Research Translation ToolKit Available from USAID
The LASER PULSE collaboration has produced a collection of tools to aid researchers in planning for and conducting research translation. The collection includes planning and strategy tools for research translation implementation, stakeholder analysis, communication, and dissemination; guidance on specific approaches to research translation related to policy change, community engagement, nudges, and effective storytelling; and guidance on creating briefs and other written communications to facilitate research translation.
What is Research Translation and Why is it Important?
“It is important to understand the literal meaning of research translation – just like translating between languages, it involves taking academic jargon, models and publications, and translating them into more accessible language, formats and recommendations that can be understood and used by organizations, communities and policymakers,” said Christopher Rice, research translation and policy lead for the IU Center for Global Health Equity.
How to store or share restricted or critical data at IU
Storing data correctly is the key to keeping it safe. Storage owners must use the Institutional Storage Request Form if storing or sharing restricted or critical data. IU’s University Information Policy Office also reminds you that individually owned storage spaces such as Google at IU My Drive and Microsoft OneDrive at IU are never an appropriate place to share institutional data.
Download Statistical Analysis Software At No Charge
A reminder that IU faculty, staff, and students can install statistical, mathematical, and qualitative analysis software packages such as SPSS and Stata for no additional cost. Since this UITS initiative began in July 2022, the number of downloads is three times higher than it was in the prior year, with around 3,000 students, faculty, and staff taking advantage of access to the software.
IU Center for Survey Research Capabilities and Expertise
The IU Center for Survey Research has capabilities from traditional survey design and data collection (using web, mail, telephone, in-person) to qualitative interviews to specimen collection. They provide up to 2 hours of free consultation to any IU faculty, staff, or student and then charge based on hourly rates determined by the university. During the academic year, they offer free weekly consulting at two locations on the Bloomington campus (Tuesdays from 10-12 and Wednesdays from 12-1:30) but are happy to meet by Zoom for people in Indy.
IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Program
The IU Presidential Arts and Humanities program provides funding in support of research and creative activity through a variety of mechanisms, including a Fellows Program as well as travel and production grants. The research website outlines each of the categories of funding as well as eligibility and application requirements. All grant categories are currently open for applications.
Need Research Equipment, Datasets, or Software?
Do you need equipment, datasets or software to help conduct your research? IU researchers can search an online database to find university resources that are shareable with researchers or submit their own equipment from their laboratory or core to encourage broader use.
Want to apply for a grant but need a statistician on your team?
The Indiana Statistical Consulting Center supports IU faculty, staff and graduate students by helping with the planning phase, writing the methodological portion of grant proposals, carrying out the proposed analysis and writing up results once the grant is funded. Collaborators will meet free of charge with the agreement that their efforts will be compensated by the grant if funded.
Indiana University Innovation and Commercialization Office
IU's Innovation and Commercialization Office provides technical assistance on the commercialization of technology, including grant writing and submission in agency-specific systems such as ASSIST, FastLane, Grants.gov, eBRAP, etc. Contact Amie Frame at ude[dot]ui[at]emarfima for more information.
Private Foundation and Corporate Funding Opportunities
Private foundation and corporate funding opportunities are available through the Office of Business Partnerships and the Office of Foundation Relations.
UITS Research Technologies
Indiana University faculty have access to high performance computing and storage, research software, advanced visualization and data services, and expert consulting services.
Use Pivot to Find External Funding
Need external funding to support your research? Discover helpful information and resources to locate relevant external funding sources.
Search for Scholars @IU
Scholars@IU: this site provides access to Indiana University researchers. Use this information to find potential collaborators and partners.
Office of Research Administration Training Videos
The Office of Research Administration (ORA) provides free self-paced training videos for every step of your sponsored research.
Find Funding to Support Your Work
Indiana University offers numerous internal funding programs to support development of faculty research and creative activities.
Benefits include:
-You will be a valued member of an extensive network of other researchers/collaborators
-You will receive opportunities to showcase your research at IUPUI TRIP events
-You will receive promotional opportunities for your research inside and outside of the IUPUI community