2024 Social Justice Symposium
The IUPUI Center for TRIP is partnering with the IUPUI Division of Diversity Equity & Inclusion and the IUPUI Center for Social Justice Education to host the 2024 Social Justice Symposium. The annual program will begin with an evening reception on Thursday, March 7, 2024. Location details will be shared via email. The program will continue on Friday, March 8, 2024 at the IUPUI Campus Center with free lunch provided. With the theme of "Social Justice in Action: Interrogating the Landscape and Igniting Passion," attendees will co-curate knowledge sharing around social justice issues through workshops, speakers, and discussions.
Save the Date
IU Day is Wednesday, April 17, 2024! The IUPUI Center for TRIP is once again participating in #IUDay. Join the virtual celebration and help us raise money to continue supporting IUPUI faculty who conduct community-engaged research in Central Indiana. Because of the generosity of a member of the TRIP Community, all donations to the #BantzFund will be matched dollar for dollar, up to a total of $5,000! Stay tuned for more details.
March Scholar of the Month, Justin Blackburn
The Economic Burden of Untreated Mental Illness in Indiana: Translating Evidence into Policy
Wellbeing Informed by Science and Evidence in Indiana (WISE Indiana) is a partnership with the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute’s Monon Collaborative and the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) to engage Indiana’s nationally-recognized academic experts to evaluate and inform Indiana practices, programs and policies. During this conversation, Dr. Blackburn will provide an overview of the WISE Indiana partnership and highlight recent projects, including estimating the economic burden of untreated mental illness in Indiana. The WISE Indiana team determined that the value of untreated mental illness in Indiana is over $4 billion. Join the conversation to learn more about this important research.
IUPUI TRIP Scholars in the News
Cooperation on Yangtze, Mississippi Witnesses China-US friendship, People-to-People Exchanges
In a Global Times article, 2017 Bantz Community Fellow, Dr. Gabe Filippelli, shares his experience of visiting the Yangtze River in China and its connection to the Mississippi River in the United States.
Bridging Population Pharmacokinetic and Semimechanistic Absorption Modeling of APX3330
In an article published for the CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology Journal, TRIP Scholar Dr. Mark Kelley, and his co-authors, share findings on a recent study about APX3330, an APE1/REF-1 inhibitor. It has shown promising results in treating hepatitis, cancer, diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic macular edema.
Knowing How Clinicians Make Drug-Drug Interaction Decisions Can Improve Patient Safety
A new study by TRIP Scholar, Dr. Michael Weiner, is one of the first to examine how clinicians become aware of and process information about potential interactions and subsequently make their real-world decisions about prescribing. Based on these findings, the research team makes specific recommendations to aid clinician decision-making to improve patient safety.
New App to Bridge Information Gap Between Hospitals and Nursing Homes
TRIP Scholars, Dr. Kathleen Unroe and Dr. Joshua Vest, are focusing on improving the quality of nursing home care and have developed and demonstrated the feasibility of a prototype nursing home facing computer application (app) targeting improved information exchange and better care for these high-risk transitions.
TRIP Scholar Among Prominent IU School of Medicine Faculty that Share their Experiences as First Generation Students
TRIP Scholar, Dr. Sylk Sotto, shares her experiences as a first-generation college student.
Bantz Community Fellowship Project Explores Environmental Injustice
The annual campus award includes a $40,000 grant for one year to support a collaborative research team and community partners to address a pressing community issue in central Indiana. The selected project, “Indy Toxic Heritage: Pollution, Place and Power” includes a traveling exhibition and public conversations. Dr. Elizabeth Kryder-Reid and Dr. Laura Holzman are the faculty recipients.
Homelessness in the Americas
In the 2nd issue on this topic of ‘Homeless/Unsheltered’, the writers address how community based participatory researchers, support agencies, faith communities, and other groups around the country are not only concerned but are addressing this defining moment.
Indiana Lawmakers Want Early Intervention for Student Truancy, Shift Away from Courts
In an interview with WFYI, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, shares her thoughts on a proposed bill to address school absenteeism.
Using the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model to Promote Nurse Education and Competency
In a recent journal article, TRIP Scholar, Dr. Jennifer Embree and her co-author, share the findings of an educational activity that was developed using the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model to provide nursing professional development specialists with a tool to support the competency of nurses caring for clients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
Reproductive Grief Screening Tool Could Reshape Mental Health Treatment
TRIP Scholars, Dr. Maria Brann and Dr. Jennifer Bute, are developing a Reproductive Grief Screening tool to identify and support Americans facing mental health challenges after pregnancy loss, aiming to initiate conversations, combat stigma, and provide timely support.
Achievements of IUPUI Center for TRIP Scholars
TRIP Scholars Receive Grant from National Library of Medicine
Congratulations to TRIP Scholars Dr. Sarath Janga and Dr. Saptarshi Purkayastha. They received a grant from the National Library of Medicine to support an internship program in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering that provides hands-on experience and faculty mentorship for students from historically underrepresented communities.
TRIP Scholar Receives $3 million Grant to Study Potential Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar, Dr. Ankit A. Desai. He is a physician scientist with the Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center at the IU School of Medicine, researching a beta blocker that is typically used to treat heart problems as a possible therapeutic for patients with sickle cell disease.
TRIP Scholar Promoted
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Willie Miller. A member of the IUPUI community since 2010, he has been selected as assistant vice chancellor for faculty affairs in the Office of Academic Affairs.
TRIP Scholar Receives HIV Advocacy Award
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Carrie Foote. She received the HIV Advocacy Award from the Indianapolis Urban League for her community based HIV criminal law reform advocacy.
TRIP Scholar Receives Grant Funding
Congratulations to TRIP Scholar Dr. Catherine Mosher. She received a $50,000 grant from the University of Alabama Birmingham for her research project "Emotional Well-Being and Economic Burden Research Network."
Stay Engaged in the Community |
Monday, March 4, 2024 • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. |
The kickoff celebration features three events:
- Informal games gathering: 10 to 11:30 a.m. in CE 307
- Community resource fair: 10 to 11:30 a.m. in CE Atrium
Meet some external community partners supporting individuals with disabilities on campus and throughout the Indianapolis community.
- Luncheon: Noon to 2:00 p.m. in CE 450C
Featuring fun, food and a keynote speaker
(Free Event)
Thursday, March 7, 2024 • 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. |
Newfields Art Museum offers free admission to all guests for the entire day on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year. Advance tickets are required. (Free Event)
Friday, March 8, 2024 • 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. |
In a first-of-its-kind event, the Center for Translating Research Into Practice, Social Justice Education, and the Chancellor's Diversity Speaker Series are joining forces to present the IU Indianapolis Social Justice Symposium 2024. Brought together by a shared desire to educate and serve IU Indianapolis and the larger Indiana community, our partners are working collectively to showcase our student organizing and cross-disciplinary faculty scholarship while offering our campus and wider community access to renowned keynote speakers at no cost. Theme: Social Justice in Action: Interrogating the Landscape and Igniting Passion. Free and open to the public. Free food. Both IU and the greater public community are invited to attend the symposium. (Free Event)
Friday, March 8, 2024 • 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. |
This program will provide participants with the latest information and guidance available for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer by the healthcare team based on advancements in treatment and standard of care. The content will be multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in nature and will include speakers from the thoracic oncology, surgery, and pulmonology teams at IUSM as well as potentially from outside institutions. (Free Event)
Friday, March 22, 2024 • 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. |
Dr. Blackburn will provide an overview of the WISE Indiana partnership and highlight recent projects, including estimating the economic burden of untreated mental illness in Indiana. The WISE Indiana team determined that the value of untreated mental illness in Indiana is over $4 billion. Join the conversation to learn more about this important research. (Free Event)
Monday, March 25, 2024 • 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. |
Are you eager to learn how you can support IU Indianapolis in ensuring access, advocacy, and educational growth across campus? This informational session will highlight how you can contribute to the mission of accessibility and join our newly forming community of practice. Location: IU Indianapolis Taylor Hall 104. (Free Event)
Friday, March 29, 2024 • 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. |
Join the Asian Pacific American Faculty and Staff Council for a fun-filled evening, exploring the diverse Asian cultures and cuisines, as well as celebrating the accomplishments of the affinity group. The event is free of charge. An Asian buffet will be served (Free Event)
Next Generation 2.0 Accepting Applications
The nine-month leadership development program for faculty and staff prepares individuals from historically underrepresented groups for advanced roles.
10 Things That Will Happen to You in a Day, Week, or Month When you Eat a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet
Discover the transformative power of a plant-based diet, offering sustained feelings of fullness, improved mood, and enhanced energy levels. This dietary shift not only supports physical well-being but also promises a holistic approach to a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. Explore the numerous benefits that plant-based eating can bring to your overall health and vitality.
Exhibit with the IUPUI Campus Center Cultural Arts Gallery
If you're a current IUPUI student, staff or faculty, or a community member, you can exhibit your work in the Cultural Arts Gallery. The gallery displays any medium including paintings, photographs, drawings, sculptures and other 3-D pieces, video, and anything else you can put on a piece of paper or canvas.
Join the All IN for Health Research Volunteer Network
By joining the research volunteer network, you will be connected to opportunities to learn about the thousands of health research studies that are being done in Indiana and get an email notification when a new study opens that fits your interests. You will also be contributing to a greater understanding of different diseases and conditions, how they affect each of us, and how we can best treat and prevent health conditions.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Barbie
It’s been 50 years since “Doctor Barbie” debuted; how realistic is the popular toy today? Katherine Klamer, a grant writer at IU School of Medicine, published a scholarly article analyzing medical and scientific Barbie dolls.
Indianapolis Eclipse Weekend
On April 8, 2024, at 3:06 pm, a total solar eclipse will be completely visible throughout the continental United States. The sun, moon, and earth will align. This "syzygy" will put the sky into epic and unforgettable temporary darkness. Though the following solar eclipse will occur in the year 2044, Indianapolis will not be within the path of totality until the year 2153 - 129 years after 2024. So buckle up and plan your eclipse-viewing in Indy. The April 8 eclipse is your once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a total solar eclipse appear over the Circle City.
Intern at the Indiana State Fair
The Indiana State Fair is hiring summer interns in all departments including: livestock, accounting, education, sponsorship, and more.
IndyArts Council Grants
Each year, Indy Arts Council offers a number of grant programs to artists and arts administrators. These grants enhance and support the development of quality arts performances, programs, professional development, services, exhibitions, and arts activities throughout central Indiana.
IUI Community-Engaged Research to Impact Health Equity Consortium
The newly established IUI Community-Engaged Research to Impact Health Equity Consortium is seeking to create a network of researchers who do or wish to do research that involves the community. Health in this Consortium is defined broadly, considering all social determinants of health, which are the upstream factors that eventually lead to poor health outcomes. Social determinants include a broad array of factors, such as income and job security, housing and basic amenities, the environment, education, criminal justice, exposure to violence, access to care, and more. If you want to learn more or have questions, please reach out to Silvia Bigatti, ude[dot]ui[at]ittagibs.
IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grant
The IU Research and Creative Activity Conference Grants, sponsored by IU Research, provide IU faculty the opportunity to apply for matching funds to curate and host an innovative conference on an IU campus. The purpose is to convene scholars from other institutions around the country and the world with IU faculty and students to explore novel ideas and initiatives, expand scholarly networks and build new research and creative activity partnerships. Funding is up to $15,000. Deadline: Open.
IU Research Equipment Fund
The IU Research Equipment Fund provides support for purchasing new research or creative activity equipment, for repairing or upgrading existing equipment and for datasets at IU university-wide that are strategically necessary to support high-quality research, attract and retain research faculty and generate external funding for IU Research. All requests should be more than $5,000 (after the required cost-share is secured). There is no maximum request. Deadline: Open.
Research Translation ToolKit Available from USAID
The LASER PULSE collaboration has produced a collection of tools to aid researchers in planning for and conducting research translation. The collection includes planning and strategy tools for research translation implementation, stakeholder analysis, communication, and dissemination; guidance on specific approaches to research translation related to policy change, community engagement, nudges, and effective storytelling; and guidance on creating briefs and other written communications to facilitate research translation.
What is Research Translation and Why is it Important?
“It is important to understand the literal meaning of research translation – just like translating between languages, it involves taking academic jargon, models and publications, and translating them into more accessible language, formats and recommendations that can be understood and used by organizations, communities and policymakers,” said Christopher Rice, research translation and policy lead for the IU Center for Global Health Equity.
How to store or share restricted or critical data at IU
Storing data correctly is the key to keeping it safe. Storage owners must use the Institutional Storage Request Form if storing or sharing restricted or critical data. IU’s University Information Policy Office also reminds you that individually owned storage spaces such as Google at IU My Drive and Microsoft OneDrive at IU are never an appropriate place to share institutional data.
Download Statistical Analysis Software At No Charge
A reminder that IU faculty, staff, and students can install statistical, mathematical, and qualitative analysis software packages such as SPSS and Stata for no additional cost. Since this UITS initiative began in July 2022, the number of downloads is three times higher than it was in the prior year, with around 3,000 students, faculty, and staff taking advantage of access to the software.
IU Center for Survey Research Capabilities and Expertise
The IU Center for Survey Research has capabilities from traditional survey design and data collection (using web, mail, telephone, in-person) to qualitative interviews to specimen collection. They provide up to 2 hours of free consultation to any IU faculty, staff, or student and then charge based on hourly rates determined by the university. During the academic year, they offer free weekly consulting at two locations on the Bloomington campus (Tuesdays from 10-12 and Wednesdays from 12-1:30) but are happy to meet by Zoom for people in Indy.
IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Program
The IU Presidential Arts and Humanities program provides funding in support of research and creative activity through a variety of mechanisms, including a Fellows Program as well as travel and production grants. The research website outlines each of the categories of funding as well as eligibility and application requirements. All grant categories are currently open for applications.
Need Research Equipment, Datasets, or Software?
Do you need equipment, datasets or software to help conduct your research? IU researchers can search an online database to find university resources that are shareable with researchers or submit their own equipment from their laboratory or core to encourage broader use.
Want to apply for a grant but need a statistician on your team?
The Indiana Statistical Consulting Center supports IU faculty, staff and graduate students by helping with the planning phase, writing the methodological portion of grant proposals, carrying out the proposed analysis and writing up results once the grant is funded. Collaborators will meet free of charge with the agreement that their efforts will be compensated by the grant if funded.
Indiana University Innovation and Commercialization Office
IU's Innovation and Commercialization Office provides technical assistance on the commercialization of technology, including grant writing and submission in agency-specific systems such as ASSIST, FastLane, Grants.gov, eBRAP, etc. Contact Amie Frame at ude[dot]ui[at]emarfima for more information.
Private Foundation and Corporate Funding Opportunities
Private foundation and corporate funding opportunities are available through the Office of Business Partnerships and the Office of Foundation Relations.
UITS Research Technologies
Indiana University faculty have access to high performance computing and storage, research software, advanced visualization and data services, and expert consulting services.
Use Pivot to Find External Funding
Need external funding to support your research? Discover helpful information and resources to locate relevant external funding sources.
Search for Scholars @IU
Scholars@IU: this site provides access to Indiana University researchers. Use this information to find potential collaborators and partners.
Office of Research Administration Training Videos
The Office of Research Administration (ORA) provides free self-paced training videos for every step of your sponsored research.
Find Funding to Support Your Work
Indiana University offers numerous internal funding programs to support development of faculty research and creative activities.